How a Mother in the Afterlife Gave a Message to Her Daughter

Last week, I was speaking with a woman I know whose mother had passed away about how she missed her. I never knew her mother, but knew that this woman had a close relationship with her mom.

As the conversation was wrapping up I paused and sensed the presence of her mother’s spirit.

Her mother immediately showed me a needlepoint piece with my inner sight.

I shared with the woman that her mother’s spirit was with us and how she wanted to let her know about the needlepoint.

The woman told me that she buried this needlepoint piece in her mother’s grave with her and told me of its further significance.

At one time her mother had made a crossword for this woman’s father of his favorite things to do and then sewed this crossword as a needlepoint for him, the one she buried in her grave.

As we ended the conversation, while I looked for my keys and walked toward my car, I heard her mother say to me, “mention her soups.”

I turned back to her and said, “I hope this has some meaning for you, for I just heard your mom talk to me about your soups.”

She told me yes it did, for she and her mom used to make soups together often.

Later I received a card from this woman, who wrote to me:

“Thank you for being with me yesterday. I didn’t realize how much I needed to talk about it all. Your gift to me of the needlepoint and the soup-- which was my Dad’s favorite— calmed me like I haven’t felt in a year.”

Your loved ones live on, their spirits are with you and they want to let you know they are still connected with you, love you, and that they are still around, even when you’re having a conversation in a parking lot.


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