About Jeannette

I have intuitively guided people for 20 years as a professional reader. I am a psychic medium, soul purpose intuitive and akashic records reader based in Portland, Oregon.

I love helping healers, coaches, creatives, and holistic practitioners connect to Spirit so that they discover their soul's purpose and help others with their spiritual gifts.

I have a grounded approach to spirituality because I live a very human life. I am a mom of two teens and am still learning to balance family, work and everything else. :)

I know the challenges of raising kids, being in a relationship, and working while staying connected to your soul's guidance and your heart's desires.

I also believe that we are spiritual beings though we live very human lives.

We have guides, light beings, angels, and loved ones in the realm of Spirit who guide and help us to follow our hearts and live with more joy. 

Soul Purpose

If you feel there’s something more for you to do or be, you may be feeling:

  • Unfulfilled

  • Bored

  • Like you’re compromising yourself to fit into someone else’s plan

  • As if you’re waiting for the future to arrive

Knowing your purpose changes everything

Why Soul Purpose Matters

There is no one like you and that’s for a reason.

Your purpose is found in the life you have lived.

For many years as an adult, I couldn’t find my fit. I even at times wondered why I was here.

Once I deepened my search by going within and trusting my own heart, I found the answers inside, not outside of me.

Between the ages of nine and ten, I experienced the passing of my older brother from suicide as well as the passing of my grandmother, who I was closer to than my own parents. My sensitive Pisces brother was a kind-hearted artist, not meant to be in the military.

Their deaths propelled me to search for the deeper purposes of life as well as who I was, why I was here and how to be me in a world that felt so different from who I was on the inside.

I grew up with parents preoccupied with their own challenges and unable to see who I was or to provide a consistently emotionally safe environment. As a result, I struggled for years with feelings of low self-worth and self-doubt.

27 years ago, at a time of great difficulty, I prayed to be shown my purpose and why I was here. This prayer awakened me to my true path.

I’ve worked with healers, therapists and coaches in my own healing.

I believe inner healing is foundational in developing intuition and access to the spiritual realm.

The world of Spirit became even more apparent to me as I developed a consistent spiritual practice.

My intuitive, psychic and mediumistic abilities opened up as I made my inner transformation a priority.

I’ve had a passion for Spirit/the Divine and spiritual healing and communication for many years.

Even when I felt alone, I knew inside of me there was a higher guidance pulling me forward and guiding me on my path.

Your soul's purpose is found in your life journey.

Your capacity to love, heal and transform through your life experiences expands your soul’s potential.

Spiritual practice can help you feel more grounded, less anxious, and more joyful.

With regular spiritual practice and mindful connection to yourself, feeling the healing power and presence of Spirit in your life becomes stronger.

I understand the journey of self-love, listening to my higher guidance and following my heart because it's a path I've lived for many years.

By making my spiritual and personal growth a priority, I began to see how this was my soul's purpose.

Why I do this work


Professional Training

~ Master's degree in Transpersonal Psychology
(a psychology with a spiritual emphasis)
John F. Kennedy University in Pleasant Hill, CA. 


~ Hypnotherapist (HCH Institute, Holly-Holmes Meredith, MA, MSW, Lafayette, CA)

~ Life Coaching for Helping Professionals  (HCH Institute, Suzanne Samson, Certified Life Coach, Lafayette, CA)

~ Intuitive Numerology Readings (Sue Frederick, Author, Numerologist, Intuitive Coach, and Unity Minister)

~ Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy (Peter Woodbury, Edgar Cayce A.R.E., Virginia Beach, VA)

~ Reiki Practitioner
(HCH Institute, Lafayette, CA)

Trance Healing and Speaking Practitioner (Andrej Djordevitch, UK)

~ Angelic Reiki Practitioner (Helen Hope, Angelic Reiki Master Teacher, London, UK)

~ Integrated Energy Therapy (IET) Practitioner
(Keith Horowitz, Sherman Oaks, CA)

~ EFT Practitioner (Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping, HCH, Holly Holmes-Meredith, CA)

Additional Trainings Intuitive Psychic Arts & Mediumship

~ Sonia Choquette, Andy Byng, and Mavis Pittilla

Year Long + Mentorships in Trance Healing (spiritual healing), Trance Speaking and Evidential Mediumship:  Tony Stockwell, Andrej Djordevitch, UK

~ Mentorships in Evidential Mediumship: Tony Stockwell, Matthew Smith, UK