Numerology & the Energy of a New Year

Your Personal Year gives insight into your Soul's Purpose

Each new year brings with it new opportunities. Numerology teaches that each year we also go through a different cycle of possibilities, known as our Personal Year, based on our birthdate. 

Your Personal Year, which is of greater impact than the general current year, is determined by adding together your birth month + your birth day + the current calendar year.

Each new year brings with it new opportunities. Numerology teaches that each year we also go through a different cycle of possibilities, known as our Personal Year, based on our birthdate. 

2019 is a 3 year, which brings creativity, inspiration, upliftment, and social opportunity overall.

For example, someone born on Feb. 11 would add together 2 (for February) + 2 (for 11) + 3 (2+1+0+9) = 7. A 7 personal year.

Someone born on Dec. 11 would add 3 (12 for Dec, 1+2) + 2 (11, 1+1) + 3 (sum of 2019)=26, 2+6= 8 personal year.

We continuously cycle through 9 personal years in numerology, 1-9 throughout our lives. Beginning at the new year we enter another new personal year. We can begin to look at our lives through the lens of numerology for an indication of what we may be learning, growing through, and creating anew in each year.

Below are meanings for each of the personal years. Think of them as accessing a particular focus for that year that with awareness, we can bring to our personal growth as well as our intentions and outer goals.

Each 1 year we begin a new 9 year cycle and in our 9 year, we end that cycle in preparation for the next 9 year cycle in our life.

1year: New beginnings, a fresh start, initiation, independence, creativity, visions, determination, planning, decisions

2 year: Nurturing, cooperation, sensitivity, intuition, patience, cooperation, partnerships, tolerance

3 year: Creativity, inspiration, expansion, self-expression, optimism, friendship, communication, maintain focus on your vision

4 year: Practicality, work, foundations, discipline, accomplishment, focus, details, organization

5 year: Change, new opportunities, transition, freedom, taking risks, bring in the new, moving, travel

6 year: Caring for self & others, family, community, relationships, responsibility, balance, harmony, career progress

7 year: Introspection, self-reflection, renewal, solitude, spirituality, self-development, inner guidance

8 year: Personal power, leadership, authority, career, success, money, achievement, confidence, a harvest year

9 year: Endings, letting go, releasing, completing, healing, forgiving, compassion, giving to others

When I began to understand my personal years, I also saw a pattern in my life. My first child was born in a 1 year, I moved in a 5 year, my daughter will leave for college in my next 1 year.

This does not mean things are pre-determined because we have free will. However, with an awareness of the energies arising with each new year, we can reflect and choose to go through that year with greater insight.

Much like the seasons of the year provide times for growth and for incubation, so do the personal years of our lives.

There are times for expansion and times for stillness, times for planning and times for taking action, times for giving to others and times for rest and self-care.

Give time and attention to that vision and allow your self-expression to come forth.

More importantly, look at your individual personal year for additional insight into your current life phase and how to enhance and learn from the energy and focus of your Personal Year.

For your individual personal year is connected to your own soul’s purpose and has even greater influence than the general energies of the current year.

Happy New Year! 


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