Communicating with Loved Ones in the Afterlife

I sometimes hear from people that they miss their loved ones so much and they wish they could hear from them, but they are not receiving their messages or their loved ones aren't communicating with them.

I wanted to share with you some tips about how your loved one may be communicating with you.

First, know that when we are very emotional, it can be difficult for them to get through to us.

Meditating and grounding your energy before communicating directly with spirit helps to raise your energy or vibration to the higher energies of Spirit.

Spirit lowers their frequency or vibration to meet ours to make the communication easier.A frequent way that spirit gets my attention is by affecting my physical energy. I may all of a sudden feel jittery, or feel a heightened sense of my energy, as if I've had a lot of caffeine.

I find myself focusing within at these times and asking if I am connecting with a spirit. Next I may hear the voice of someone's loved one who passed over and wishes to relay a message.

Sending you thoughts is a common way for spirit to communicate with you. This is a form of clairaudience or inner hearing.

Your loved one can talk with you through your own thoughts.

I often will get a feeling of the spirit's personality and the tone of the voice may feel quieter or more intense depending on the spirit's temperament.

At a public reading in December I heard inwardly both brother and skateboarding. Later I understood why. The couple before me had lost a son when he was a boy and he wanted to validate the circumstances of his passing as well as give a message to his brother.

Your loved ones may also visit you in your dreams. They may appear younger or more vibrant than when they passed, but often the dream has a very real or vivid quality to it.

Other ways spirit can communicate is through a song you may hear on the radio, a bird or butterfly, electronics or lights, or special objects that had meaning to them or to you when they were in a physical body.

If you find yourself suddenly thinking of a loved one who has passed, it may very well be that he/she is trying to let you know of his/her presence or wishes to send you a loving or validating message.

While your loved ones continue to grow and develop while in spirit, they are also very aware of you and often wish to help or guide you in your life.

Their love for you is eternal and their understanding of life and what is most important becomes even clearer to them on the other side.

In the afterlife, they are purely their soul. They have the help of their own spiritual teachers and guides and the evolution and development of their soul continues.


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